Sunday, April 5, 2009

when naive optimism becomes deadly

In response to North Korea's missile launch, Obama came up with a brilliant plan. "Let's all hold hands, sing together, and convince Pakistan, North Korea, and Iran to get rid of their nuclear arms. But since no one wants to do it, we'll do it first! We can change the world. Yes we can!"

Honestly, this news pushed me over the edge. It means one of three possible things:
  1. Obama is truly a naive or arrogant idiot who believes that countries with people who wish to destroy us will voluntarily give up their weapons;
  2. Obama has some sort of scheme wherein he says "hey, we don't have any weapons" when in fact the US will retain some, which would never work because everyone else will likely do the same; or
  3. Obama wants to destroy the U.S.
The end is near.

1 comment:

HL7 said...

Well, you're a beacon of hope...