Thursday, October 9, 2008

beautiful indifference

I woke up to a perfect day. 77, sunny and clear, with the smell of fresh cut grass in the air. The rabbits were playing in the yard, the birds were chirping, and that stupid squirrel still couldn't make up its mind about which way to go. Just another beautiful day.

While driving on my favorite backroads with the windows down, and the breeze just perfect, I decided to do something I now regret. I turned on the radio.

Today, the markets plummeted to historic lows. The U.S. debt is officially off the charts. Job security is an oxymoron. Every commentator has something to say about the "disaster."

Yet it seems that no matter what is going on in the world, the world itself hardly seems to care. Everything goes on as usual. The sun, believe it or not, will probably rise tomorrow. The grass will still grow, and the stars probably won't fall anytime soon. In short, all our problems, significant or not, collectively or individually, are just another drop in the ocean of history. But somehow we humans like to make our small problems become so big. While a third of the world's population starves tonight, we worry about a number on the boards.

One must realize his own unimportance before he can appreciate and understand his true importance.

Needless to say, I ignored the radio today. I switched to my iPod and drove on.

I worry
I weigh three times my body
I worry
I throw my fear around
But this morning, there's a calm I can't explain . . .

1 comment:

Memphis said...

It was a beautiful morning out. I hope that squirrel eventually figures out where he's going.