Tuesday, June 1, 2010

new perspective

you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God
through Christ.

it is said that i am free. it is said that i have all. but why don't i feel this way? why am i not connected to this power source? why do i choose to fulfill my needs from other weaker sources?

i know, from my own personal experience, that God has so much to offer, more than i can even imagine. yet for some reason i turn away. i look at my past mistakes and i dwell on them more than is healthy. i blame myself for failures without considering that maybe God has a better plan. and He does, if i let Him.

people so concerned about networking. i know x, i know y. y is the head of z and supervises 100 people. he's my linkedin contact. i have 500+ contacts on that site. i'm connected.

what if i was connected to the maker? what if I had all the connections i needed by having just the right one? what if the answer was in that one connection, and i'm ignoring it for all the other ones?

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